Luxury villa prices and values

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One of the key principals of our resort development is luxury with value. Simply stated, in the Dominican Republic we can build luxury villas at fair prices that are luxury quality and well below North American market prices for the same level of luxury home.

The other big factor is the amazing views that each lot within the development enjoys. Before developing our selection of Caribbean styled villas for the development we studied the landscape of typical and luxury in the local market as well beach area offerings in North America for the same style, size and appointments to create a value driven luxury-built villa. The purpose is simple. Highly rent-able and built to last with strong ROI for each owner. The current average cost to build a new home in the US market is between $150.00 and $425,000/sq.ft.  

This is average and not considered luxury. Luxury homes have a much wider range from a typical of $500 to over $3,000/sq.ft and up. The LOE offering of villas with a standard package that includes pool, kiosk and landscaping but not including furniture is an average of $174.00/sq.ft. hard to beat the value with luxury that we are offering, considering the unparalleled views and access to our private beach. As a reference most of the non luxury properties on the north coast that are not on the ocean and "might" have a view are typically condos and are above $230.00/sq.ft. Please take a look at our Villa section of the website and find the size and layout that fits your needs.  

Live the dream…